Mindful Eating Tips


Mindful Eating

There are so many sources to distracting you and drawing your focus away from what you are eating, when you are eating, and why you are eating!

Mindful eating is making a conscious effort to pay attention to all the sensations eating brings you. It causes you think and question the reason to why you are eating and to notice the emotional response it may cause.

It is choosing to slow down and be present when eating. To slow down and create an awareness to your senses and emotions.

Mindful Eating Tips:

  • Sit at a table and create yourself a place setting

  • Avoid sitting on a couch, sit on a chair to help digestion

  • Use utensils

  • Choose every bite, make it a conscious act

  • Savor the flavors and chew more slowly

  • Recognize and eat when you are physically hungry

  • Be present when eating, avoid multitasking while eating

  • Stop eating when you are full

  • Make a conscious effort to choose foods which will nourish your body

  • Journal your meals



Are you truly hungry?


Are you bored?


Or is it emotionally driven hunger?

*Physical hunger versus emotional will be addressed in detail in its own post.



Remember when you are mindful, you are being fully present in the moment. Don’t forget this takes practice and patience.

Start small by beginning to draw your attention to noticing your food and getting rid of distractions. Once you become more aware and change your eating habits you can begin to issues such as emotional eating.


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