Crossroads Of Change

Enrolling in Yoga Teacher Training, I have a strong feeling I will not end the program as the same person who started it. When I started I wasn't sure if I was ready, but I felt a shift in my life was fast approaching. I believe things happen when you are ready and not necessarily when the timing seems right.

So I had to ask myself: 

Was I ready to change?

The thought scared me at first, and of course it would! The biggest fears in life come from what you do not yet know or understand. You have to have faith and trust in what you do not know, but what you can feel is right.

So here I am, ending the first month of the program.

When we change inwardly, we out-grow certain belief patterns and strengthen others
— Caroline Myss: The Spirit of Anatomy


I have been stuck at a crossroads where I have to choose to commit to the change or stay and remain the same. Choosing to change allows me to move forward into new stage in my life. It also means leaving behind old beliefs, and familiar people.

I realize I have been holding back and scared to fully commit to change, scared to walk this unknown path. However after this weekend at training, I have become too aware of the signs that I need to let go and trust in this journey.


I learned that I no longer fear the change because I have already started to change, and I cannot stay where I any longer.

I now know it is okay to lose connection with those who no longer help me grow; it is okay to not know how this journey will unfold and who I will be at the end of it.



I need to change in order to heal, and heal to bring forth change.



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