Universal Balance

The Universal Balance: Life & Death


I started out with the idea of writing a post about my recent struggle to balance work, marathon training, Yoga Teacher Training, and life in general. However, so much has happened over the weekend to expand my perspective on the idea of balance, to one which is more of a universal concept of balance.


When I speak about universal balance, I am referring to the ultimate balance in nature, the balance between life and death.


This weekend I was blessed with the birth of my niece. It was the perfect gift because this whole month I’ve been struggling with the upcoming one year anniversary of the loss of my best friend Nate.

I can’t help but reflect on the massive changes that have occurred in the past year. It was this time last year I got the worst phone call of my life, a call to tell my best friend as passed away. At that moment time stopped and everything was a blur. I then spent the whole year rediscovering myself and happiness in general. Last year, I couldn’t imagine myself being as happy as I am today.


I cannot help but feel like my new born niece is nature’s gift of happiness to restore some balance. With the loss of someone who held such an important place in my life, balance is found in the birth of my niece. 


In nature there is always balance:

life/death, good/bad, yin/yang, sun/moon light/dark love/fear and so forth.

These opposites provide a friction you need to fuel you to change, adapt and grow. Once you are open to all things, both good and bad, you let go of your need to control and can embrace the unknown.


Life will always try to throw you off balance, you need to get used to is being uncomfortable when you are upside-down knowing that the universe will always balance you out.  





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