What I would tell my past Self

This post isn't about correcting the past or wishing anything was different. It is simply just a reflection.

You need to look back every once and awhile to remind you how far you have come. Self improvement is always my biggest goal, why exist without trying to be the best version of myself. 


  • Relax, nobody is cool, and the braces will be worth it.
  • Don't bother trying to fit in, you have red hair it's never going to happen. Just accept it.
  • People will be mean to you, cruel even. Thank them because they are the ones who made you stronger.
  • You naturally intimidate people simply by being who you are, so stop trying to dull yourself for down them. 
  • Express your emotions and be vulnerable. You get very good at being closed off and detached out of fear and it will take you years to trust and change this.
  • You're already weird. FUCK IT, be weirder.
  • People will mistake your introspective silence as indifference or weakness, but trust me, in this world it is a strength. 
  • Guys will break your heart but you will put yourself back together stronger every time, so don't be scared to fall because you always fly.
  • Get your license when you're 16 you'll regret it later.
  • Keep dreaming big because you do accomplish even your wildest dreams.
  • Forgive your mother for leaving so you can have the relationship you wished you could have had.
  • Stop being so damn hard on yourself and striving for perfection. You always do the best you can and that is enough, YOU are enough. 
  • You're going to spend too much time staring at the mirror hating ever inch of yourself. It will take years to break those habits you've built.
  • Your independence and ability to be alone will intimidate and confuse people, don't try and change it just wait for the right people who understand it.
  • You will feel forever indebted to those who helped you when your father was sick. This will be the roughest two years of your life thus far.
  • You're fiercely passionate and a wild dreamer, never lose this even in the darkest of times. 
  • You will never stop questioning life, but in the process never doubt yourself.
  • You won't regret anything you do... But you will wonder about the things you didn't, so go for it and take more chances.
  • You're going to lose yourself completely in you're early 20s. It's going to to be hell but you're reborn even better.
  • Don't worry, you meet some amazing people on this journey. Just remember some are just there for a brief moment.
I am a series of small victories and large defeats and
I am amazed as any other
that I have gotten from
there to here.
— Charles Bukowski


You come out of it covered in scars but alive.

What you will go through will be your source of inspiration to help others so the pain will be worth it, I promise.



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