Your Best


Have you ever considered that all you can do is your best?

Right now every human being on Earth is trying their best. You may disagree and feel that there are times where others did not try their best, or, that YOU did not try your best.

I assure you, you did.

A very simple shift in perspective can allow you to understand that everyone in every single moment is trying their best, That YOU are trying your best

It is simple really. You do not know any other way.


In the present moment your decisions, your effort, your actions are the best you can do in that moment. This simple concept reveals that you are always trying your best. It is only when you look back can you evaluate that moment. Here is where you think you could have put in more effort, done better, tried harder! But you couldn’t. When you were in that moment, all you could do was your best.


In the present you are always doing your best.

You do not know any other way.

Have no fear of perfection - you’ll never reach it
— Salvador Dalí


Capabilities differ from one person to another, therefore your best varies from one person to another.This diversity can often lead to the misunderstanding that another is not trying their best. However when it comes to judging yourself, you judge yourself through future narrative with more information and experience. It is not fair to yourself to take the information you've learned to judge past events. 

You see, you were always trying your best. In the present all you can do is your best. So instead of looking back and scrutinizing your past choices, your actions or effort, look back with love and an understanding that you did the best you could. Look back with the knowledge that you have gained and the enlightenment that you will do better.

In the present you are at your best.




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