What does it mean to be Mindful?
What does it mean to be Mindful?
Mindfulness is learning to be present with your self in your life. It is practising being conscious of your thoughts, feelings, surroundings, and body, moment to moment. Mindfulness is being aware of your thoughts and feelings without passing judgement or evaluation. You simply become an observer within.
Being mindful means learning about your authentic self.
To stay within your self and be present—to not lose where our attention is placed. To be mindful is to constantly call ourselves back to ourselves as our mind wanders throughout the day.
Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Instagram or Facebook only to realize half an hour has passed and you don’t even know the person whose photographs you are looking at? Is it fair to say you were “mindlessly” looking at images without consciously being aware of what you were looking at? This is the opposite of being mindful.
The way we become more mindful is through practice.
Practising being mindful can be compared to strengthening your muscles, but for your mind.
More articles will be posted about developing methods that you can use to consciously direct your attention to the present moment.