Unplug To Find Your Self



Technology is all around us and so many of us are attached to it, drawn to it to the point of autonomy.


Since it is the middle of our Mindful March Challenge, we thought it would be a great idea and take the opportunity to become more aware of how we use social media and how much of our time are we dedicating to it.


Social media can be a great tool used to connect like minded individuals and shared passions. However like all good things moderation is key, and the time you spend in front of screens should be monitored.


Always being plugged in and available raises stress levels and distracts you from connecting with yourself and the universe around you. Work emails on your phone, texts from friends and family, beeps, lights, alerts—all distracts you from being present within your body.


Consumed by information on social media effects how you view your own life and your higher self. Each user acts as a curator, carefully picking and choosing what to share in order to achieve the desired image in which they wish to portray.

You are constantly being shown images of what you should be interested in, how you should look and act, what you should be, but it is all based on popularity.


Social media, for the most part, does not feed the soul. It is more of a distraction from yourself and your thoughts. Unplugging every now and then or during certain activities (yoga, running, nature hikes, family time, dinner with friends) allows you to regain your internal dialogue between your and yourself, between you and the universe around you.


How to limit screen time:

1.    Limit use in the morning and night time before bed.

2.    Running, yoga, going for a walk in nature or to the gym

3.    Reading and journalling

4.    No phones during meals alone or with friends

5.    Set a timer to limit the amount of time you are on your device


How can you hear what your body or mind needs if you are distracted by outside sources? Without the time to connect with your Self how will you change or grow.

How will you be able to cultivate your own happiness?



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