Intuition and Mindfulness
Intuition and Mindfulness
You are constantly in communication with others and the world around you, there are signs and signals leading you in the right direction. In order to see these signs you must cultivate the ability to listen to your inner voice, your intuition.
Intuition can be very powerful when developed. Listening to your intuition is a skill that involves practice, just like learning to be mindful.
There are many parallels between being mindful and strengthening your intuitive power.
- Being present
- Knowing your Self
- Trusting your Self
Be Present
Stressing out about the future or, past events, draws your attention away from the present moment. When you are rushing, stressed, or anxious, these feelings block out any intuitive signals you may be receiving. They overpower them.
It is as if stress and anxiety are voices that are screaming, while your intuition is the opposite; it is nothing more than a whisper
In order for you to hear and feel your intuition, it often requires a quiet, calm environment.
You need to be mindful and present.
Know your Self
Recognizing your intuitive voice also requires a level of self-understanding and an element of self-trust. Similarly remember, being mindful means learning about your authentic self. The biggest practice when learning to be more mindful is learning to love your Self. Therefore, practising being mindful is practising self love.
Practising self love and self discovery allows you to really get to know your values, your fears, and your dreams. Knowing your values and what is important to you, allows your intuition to guide you towards choices that align with your values.
Your intuitive voice is essentially the voice of your heart; disregard the need to reason using your mind and go with what you feel. The more you practice self discovery the clearer your intuitive voice becomes.
Trust your Self
Since listening to your intuitive voice helps you make decisions in your life, you need a certain level of trust with your Self.
Trust the choices and changes that have occurred in your life.
Be present and mindful and listen to your inner Self, it will always guide you in the right direction.
Just like it takes time and practice to be more mindful, it takes effort to develop the ability to listen and recognize your intuition. Be patient, this takes time.